Clocked S.O.


Clocked Subjects and Objects


Humansys engineering

Nederlandstalige activiteiten


Research to improve

We interlink a number of knowledge areas where we follow scientific developments and its practical implications on the human system. With the goal to contribute by building better systems to improve human life. More specific, we research and innovate in the area of Human/IT system integration. We call this Humansys.

Energy - Frequency - Network - System


Research areas


Physics is by us understood as explaining the energy and frequency dynamics we are part of, in the mathematical language.


We think that Human life is part of the 'Universal biosphere', We think so because there is no to little proof of life outside the bio-shell of the earth. And in fact, this also means that there is no proof of the reverse.


The network of meanings inside our brain, linked to shared history and concepts outside ourselves, as meaning network maintained by humanity we call the knowsphere.

The current focus is on a project of redefining business administration taxonomy.

About the Know-; Bio- and Energo- Sphere's


Energosphere is physics, but not as the description and modeling in the knowsphere of the physics, but the reality of the energy field everything is made of and the universal base frequency what makes it dynamic.


Biosphere is what in the knowsphere generally is called “life”. The assumption is that this is universal. Based on chemical existence and copying. Thus, everywhere in the universe. Until there is proof that it only exists on earth.


The knowsphere is where we make sense of the energosphere and biosphere we (humanity) are part of. The stories and models we share to give our observations meaning and make human collaboration possible.


The two main branches of doing are sensing and acting. The whole biosphere and its products are full of sensing and acting.

Some notions


KVK: NL34093630

VAT: NL805015127B01

Update: 2024-10-06 / Copyright © 2024 Clocked S.O. B.V.